Monday, February 09, 2004

Detectives This story is really cool to me because it talks about how a girl wants to be a private eye at age 11, but her dream was trashed after she found out that they only wanted men. The way that the music is being used, makes you think of your childhood again and what it feels like to have that dream of wanting to be a detective when u were younger. It was fun to make pretend of the little things that you always thought were so big. The music during the first verse was used to heighten the stories that he had studied. I think that it was interesting that this guy describes in great detail the thoughts that had crossed his mind. When he describes these things, he finds out all this infromation about his mom. However, it was just boring after awhile because the music wasnt present and it was just one guy talking over and over again where you start to get uninterested.

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